Wednesday 16 May 2012

Is this what retirement feels like?

Since me and Kat came back from America we have had very little drama going on. It's weird, it's the first time since the instigation of this blog that nothing is happening, Sirus' agents aren't keeping an eye on us, Slendy is showing little to no interest in us and by my reckoning we are in such an awkward place that no proxies care enough to come after us. To be honest I'm bored, the only problems I have are human problems, like my broken arm the thing with Kat, nothing that really requires mentioning on this blog about the Slender Man, am I like retired or something a...

Ah Sane, so Naive, you really think that things could end that easily, I am warning you things are going to get worst, much worst, to find out go to the man with no face or name, ask him one question and one question only, my favorite question.

...s I may like it this way, no killing, no threat of death, none of my friends in my vicinity dying, you can't blame me for Paul's ineptitude for keeping, his friends safe, but I'm being disrespectful, their probably Alive, probably. So I guess that's my piece for today I'm sorry there's not more fighting or general mayhem, but it is quite on the eastern front.

Peace my brothers and good will,


  1. Wow... Let me go ahead and get this out of the way... Kindly go fuck yourself.

  2. I would you really know I would, but I can't do that with perception, well not just yet.
